Tuesday, August 7, 2007


I guess before i finish this, it will be down to three. But I say it's not a new day until some amount of sleep has been had.

Today was a spa day at Shalimar, compliments of Ryan's mom and grandma. I had a massage, mud bath, facial, and pedicure. On Friday I'll get my manicure. Ryan also had the full works (sans nail polish). We were there for four ridiculously relaxing hours.

And in short, the highlight of yesterday was a surprise personal shower that Kerri and Steph threw. If I knew about it ahead of time - especially how many people were going to be there - I would have been horrified. But it was really great. I got tons of stuff. That's three showers now!

Well, Erin should be arriving in about an hour. Sleep is precious so I'm going to my cozy bed until then.

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